Nias Beach - Indonesia Beaches Best

Nias Beach

By Unknown - 7:57 AM

Nias, a small island located 125 km from the western island of Sumatra, has a great tourism potential. Nature is very beautiful, with stunning beaches. Amazing cultural richness. Ancestors of Nias people live in a culture mengalitik. Artefacts in the form of objects made of large stones can still be found in several regions.
The journey to this island can be reached by air or sea travel. Almost no public transportation on the island, so tourists have to hire a vehicle to go from one place to another. Therefore, the required provision of information and preparation so that we can enjoy the adventure on the Nias island more comfortable.

One of the cultural heritage of Nias which is priceless custom homes with unique architecture. The shape house on stilts, made of wood and thatched roof intact (sago palm leaf), with several different types. Nias people call this traditional house Omo Niha (in the Territory of South Nias) or Omo Hada (northern Nias). Beauty traditional house is getting full because of the setting. Typically, the houses were founded in a row and face to face. Pelatarannya made of stones and neatly landscaped, which is a relic megaliths. Bawomataluo In the village, in southern Nias, there are still many traditional houses. Number around 250. Wooden houses typical architecture of Nias dnegan seen lined up neatly and is still inhabited by villagers.

Bawomataluo Village, can be regarded as prima donna Nias. Meaning Bawamataluo is the hill the sun, because the village is situated on the hill that seemed close to the sun. To reach this village, we have to climb 86 stairs which is a gate of the village. In addition there are still many traditional houses, in this village there are traditions and rituals which continue to be preserved. One of the most famous is the tradition of stone skipping (bombo stone), which is typical of South Nias. In this village, the tradition of jumping the stone can be seen near the house of the king which was built in 1835 and still inhabited by the seventh generation of kings.

The tradition of jumping the stone that had become the illustration of one thousand dollars of paper money was first performed as a kind of sport and a symbol of maturity and the maturity of youth Nias (no women who do the jumping stone). In addition, proficiency skip a rock pile as high as 2 meters was also one of the signs or conditions of the youth are ready to defend their customary village from enemy attack, or during a war between villages. As each village is built with high citadels of stone or bamboo, moreover there are also villages that make big holes to trap the enemy, then the necessary agility jumps.

Before you get through the pile of stone, usually the boys since childhood practice step by step, jump rope mounted on bamboo sticks, starting from the meter to 2 meters tall. After the can, then they jump over a rock as high as 2 meters true. By preparing early, Nias youth can do great things, jump as high to fight and defend their customary village. Today, the tradition of stone skipping is still maintained, although only a attraction.

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