Indonesia Beaches Best

Carocok Beach

By MeR - 7:54 PM
Carocok Beach is one of the main destinations for tourists who come to West Sumatra. This beach stretches in the Painan region, South Pesisir Regency. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Carocok Beach is a complete tourist destination. This beach provides various kinds of activities that can be carried out by all groups, ranging from children to the elderly, from those who love water...

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Padang Beach

By MeR - 10:37 PM
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); One of the favorite tourist icons in the city of Padang is Padang Beach. This tourist attraction that extends to the west side of the capital of West Sumatra Province is almost daily visited by tourists, both local and outside. You could say, those who came to visit the city of Padang would feel a loss if they...

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Lagoi Beach

By Unknown - 5:27 PM
Forty-five kilometers southeast Singapore, lies the enchanting beaches in the north of the beautiful island of Bintan Island, the biggest island of Riau Islands, Indonesia. And the beach is known as the beach Lagoi, Bintan Resort. Trip there reached by ferry transport for 45 minutes from Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, Singapore, heading for the port Bandar Bentan Telani, Lagoi-Bintan. Many foreign tourists who...

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